wow. I just had a moment...scrolling through my content here...and looked at my post from February 22 of this year, right when I launched this site. when I have any inclination to freak out about progress, I take a look at how far I've actually come in nine months. so much has come clear.
and it's apt: today I'm writing about will.
I've taken a circuitous route through the chakra system, so we're just arriving at the 3rd...Manipura, the solar plexus. the seat of self-identity, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. it's a source of personal power, will, and freedom of choice.
it's also linked strongly with digestion, and it has an important quality of intuitive sense - a "gut feeling."
what a perfect day to write about this. on two levels: one, I awoke with a sense of purpose and will today - of reorganizing, making decisions, and taking strong action in my next steps. second, I'm a big fan of gut flora (microbes), and I believe the digestive-emotional-intuitive link is not a conicidence.
if you read up on gut flora a little, you'll find that these microbes have almost everything to do with everything from our nutrient uptake to our moods to our bowel movements. allergies, inflammation, even brain functions. as I've noted before, we actually have 10 times more microbial cells than we have human cells.
so maybe the link between will, personal power, and self-esteem make sense in the physical space of digestion, where many of our most important functions happen.
and perhaps the "gut instinct" effect is a reflection of the signals our bodies give us around what we intuit. and when our gut is really against something, perhaps our body actually physically registers important information from our environment.
strong gut = strong will.
something to think about today: take care of your gut. it's important. try probiotics. I love Yakult. it's good for if you need to poo.
avoid pesticides. pesticides kill microbes.
not awesome. only organic foods are legally required to not use pesticides. so buy organic or grow or own, and you'll know that you're not poisoning yourself. and try breathing down into your belly. it's great. today's a good day to start taking care of that gut.